Government Jobs in Srilanka

Government job in Srilanka

Government job is a dream of every job seeker in srilanka. People are searching just because of job security and Pension scheme. 

In srilanka Due to political influence its very difficult to find government job. but you can try these job without influence of politician

Government Accountant

its merely depends on Marks of the exam. These days NSB Trainee Officer advertised. closing date is 31.08.2018

You can apply if you have a degree.

govenrment job on gossip2gossiplanka

in 2012 Government gave 55000 jobs to unemployed degree holders. that was a big chance. currently government recruiting 4000 degree holders as Development officers. payment is 20000 per month.

There was interview session for Development officers.  

but we have to wait for the next month government , most of the times they will provide 50000 jobs. 

Good luck

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